Description: Boys and girls, grades 4 and up; men and women of any age to assist priest and deacons at liturgies
Time Commitment: About once a month, and attend initial training (initial training is during the school day for St. Michael students)
Talent to share: Willingness to learn about the liturgy and desire to serve
Description: Assist the priest in distributing the Body and Blood of Christ during liturgy.
Time Commitment: Typically one liturgy per month at your time preference. Attend initial training and annual formation.
Talent to share: Gift giving and welcoming. Must have received the Sacrament of Confirmation
Description: Proclaim scripture at weekend worship and other special and seasonal liturgies
Time Commitment: One to two times per quarter at your choice of Masses. Preparation: Study, rehearse readings. Attend initial training and annual formation events. Responsible to attend liturgy as scheduled or find substitute.
Talent to share: Public speaking and faith. Must have received the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Description: Provide friendly welcoming for parishioners and visitors at weekend and special liturgies. Duties include envelope/offertory collection, gift bearers assistance, communion ushering, checking pews and church after Mass, general assistance whenever needed, and final locking of doors.
Time Commitment: Monthly at choice of Mass preference, and other special liturgies. Attend initial training and annual formation nights.
Talent to share: Friendly, warm and caring personality. Responsible for scheduled date/duties.
Description: Prepare worship space and coordinate all liturgical ministers before, during, and after liturgy. First one to arrive, last one to leave liturgy.
Time Commitment: Two to two-and-one-half hours per weekend, once or twice per month, if there are enough sacristans.
Talent to share: Dependable, good at working with people, knowledge of liturgy.