Below you can find a brief synopsis of the variety of service and outreach ministries at the parish. Click on the link to find out more and learn who to contact if you need assistance or want to get involved.
Supports for Pregnant Women and Families: Many local organizations support pregnant women and families in need. Find more information on how to support them.
BeFriender Program: The St. Michael BeFriender ministers are trained laypersons who are available to offer a listening ear to those who are experiencing times of transition. BeFrienders are here to listen and care; BeFrienders do not give advice or judge, and all conversations are kept confidential.
Service Projects: Each month we strive to take a group from the parihs to serve at a local community organization, such as the Ronald McDonald House, Greater Lansing Food Bank, and St. Vincent de Paul store).
Food Collection Box: All throughout the year we collect food and supplies for the Grand Ledge Food Bank. Donations can be placed in our collection box (usually near the southwest entrance to the church). Food suggestions include: hamburger helper, tuna, boxed stuffing, gravy (cans or jars), boxed potatoes, egg noodles, cold cereal, Italian/French/Ranch salad dressings.
St. Vincent de Paul: The ministry provides spiritual and financial assistance to individuals and families in both our parish and within the boundaries of the Grand Ledge School District. We are currently able to distribute over $20,000 per year in assistance to those in need - primarily with rent, utilities, pharmacy, clothes, food, and gas.
Hot Dogs for Hope: Each second Sunday of the month, from October through March, all are invited for a lunch in the Fellowship Hall following the 11:00 am Mass. For a free-will donation, you receive your choice of a main dish (Koegel Beef Hot Dogs, Sloppy Joe's, or Macaroni & Cheese), fruit, veggies, chips, dessert, and a beverage. All proceeds benefit the organization served by St. Michael parish through the monthly service project.
Matthew 25 Initiative: Caring for the poor is part of the St. Michael Parish mission. As an expression of this, 5% of our Sunday and Holy Day offertory goes to charities who serve people in dire need, providing life-sustaining services such as food, water, shelter and medical care (10% in Lent). We seek to help the least of our brothers and sisters, whether locally or around the world, through this weekly offering.
MOMS Giving Tree: Twice per year the Mothers of Many Seasons (M.O.M.S) organize the St. Michael Giving Tree. Parishioners are invited to take a tag from the tree and purchase the listed gift(s). Each tag identifies items requested by the organizations we sponsor. At Christmas, we support Advent House, St. Vincent Catholic Charities, SIREN/Eaton County Shelter, Hannah's House, or Loaves & Fishes. And new for 2018, we have tags for culinary items for our parishioner, Mike Garr, serving with Maryknoll Institute, and his students at the Marianist Technical Institute in Mombasa, Kenya. In the Spring, we support Hannah's House.
Mission Trips: A team from St. Michael is headed to Guatemala in Summer 2019! Working with Pray America, we will be going to Chichicastenango to build and restore homes for widows and families who are homeless, free of charge to the family.
Kenya - Mike Garr's Activities: Mike will try to keep us up to date with what's happening in Kenya during his missionary experiences. Check back frequently to get the latest.
Grief Program - Grieving with Great Hope: St. Michael Parish offers Grieving with Great HOPE, a five week grief support workshop, presented in DVD format. This workshop is a prayerful, practical and personal approach for anyone who is mourning the loss of a loved one. If you have lost a spouse, a child (including pregnancy loss), a grandchild, a parent, another family member or a friend, you are encouraged to attend.
Scrap Metal Drive: The St. Michael Earth Care Team hosts a Scrap Metal Drive each April. Items that are comprised mostly of scrap metal may be recycled. Proceeds from the sale of the scrap metal are used for energy efficiency improvements for the church and school.
Rummage and Bake Sales: Our semi-annual rummage and bake sales benefit the St. Michael Funeral Luncheon Fund, support our parish community, and help the Grand Ledge community by providing necessities at a reasonable price. We welcome your clean usable clothing and household items, but please, no shoes or sharp knives. Monetary donations are always welcome. Profits benefit the St. Michael Funeral Luncheon Fund.
Thanksgiving Food Baskets:
In the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving, the parish collects food and supplies for Thanksgiving Food Baskets for those who are helped by the Grand Ledge Food Bank. The Youth Group then organizes them and delivers them to the food bank.