St. Michael Parish is committed to safeguarding the children who attend our parish and school, and who participate in other programs offered by our parish and school. Our parish participates in the VIRTUS Program, Protecting God’s Children Awareness Training. All volunteers who work with children and all employees are to complete the requirements set forth by the Diocese of Lansing and St. Michael Parish, including a background check and attending a Protecting God’s Children Awareness session.
Safe Environment Programs for Adults
Protecting God's Children for Adults - VIRTUS®
The training for adults makes participants (employees or volunteers) aware of the signs of child sexual abuse, the methods and means by which offenders commit abuse along with 5 easy steps you can use to prevent child sexual abuse. Protecting God's Children also gives best practices when working and volunteering with minors and youth. A refresher training for adults is required every 5 years to continue serving with minors and youth.
Safe Environment Programs for Children
The Diocese of Lansing offers a safe environment program to our Religious Education students and Catholic School students. Parents are notified by each location (parish or school) prior to the program presentation with program content and program date. All adults providing the program to minors and youth are trained in the subject manner and content. Parents are provided with an Opt-Out form if they do not want their child(ren) to be present for the program. The program schedule date may differ from location to location.
CIRCLE OF GRACE PROGRAM Kindergarten - 12th Grade
The Circle of Grace Program demonstrates the love and goodness of God that surrounds us and all others. Circle of Grace teaches that God is with us always and is there to help us in difficult situations. Through the Circle of Grace program, adults assist children and youth to recognize God's love by understanding that each of us lives and moves within a Circle of Grace. It holds your very essence in mind, heart, soul, and sexuality. The Circle of Grace program helps children and youth identify early on when they are uncomfortable with a situation and includes ways to seek the help of a trusted adult.
• Children/Young People will understand they are created by God and live in the love of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
• Children/Young People will be able to describe the Circle of Grace which God gives each of us.
• Children/Young People will be able to identify and maintain appropriate physical, emotional, spiritual, and sexual boundaries.
• Children/Young People will be able to identify all types of boundary violations.
• Children/Young People will demonstrate how to take action if any boundary is threatened or violated.