First Holy Communion is one of the most important events for a Catholic, along with Baptism, Reconciliation and Confirmation. The First Eucharist is a sign of Christian unity and a symbol of a Catholic’s faith and devotion. The Holy Eucharist is the sacrament of the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ becomes present in the Holy Eucharist during the sacrifice of the Mass.
1. Baptism
2. Regular attendance at Liturgy
3. Completion of parish or parish school religious education program the year prior and the year of sacrament preparation.
All students wishing to celebrate the sacrament of Reconciliation and Eucharist must participate in Religious Education, either through the Parish School or the Religious Education Program, the year prior to and the year of the sacrament.
Required sacrament preparation is done though a family-centered program which includes orientations and workshops to prepare for each sacrament.
In accordance with diocesan guidelines, all students will prepare for Reconciliation prior to preparation for First Eucharist.
Preparation normally begins as early as 2nd grade. The process involves a series of parent/child workshops aimed at involving the whole family in the preparation. Sessions begin shortly after school begins and our First Eucharist celebrations usually occur in early May.
If you are unsure if your child is prepared for Sacramental Preparation because your child did not attend Religious Education last year, has not been Baptized, or is past the usual sacrament year of 2nd grade please contact the coordinator of child and family ministry to make arrangements.