Where a child falls in love with God
The theme for this level is the Good Shepherd who loves his sheep and gives everything for them. The child is introduced to Jesus, the Good Shepherd, and discovers who the sheep are. The enjoyment of the gift of God’s own self to the child is the foundation of further religious insight and moral development. This Level could be characterized as a “time of joy and wonder” in the lives of the children.
Specially designed materials and inspiring presentations in the Atrium are created for the children and help the children explore areas of faith formation appropriate to their developmental age, such as:
The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) is a unique approach to Faith Formation, founded in both Sacred Scripture and Liturgy, and rich with the spiritual teachings and traditions of the Church. The Catechesis proclaims the message of Jesus to children in an age-appropriate, hands-on, and engaging learning environment. The image of the Good Shepherd helps the children understand that our God is a loving and caring God who takes care of His children like a shepherd tends to his sheep.
The Catechesis began in Rome in the Catholic Church in 1954 through the pioneering effort of two amazing women: Sofia Cavalletti, a prominent Hebrew scholar, and Gianna Gobbi, an accomplished Montessorian. Since that time, the Catechesis has spread around the world and across many denominations. Please see the website and short video below for more information.(Visit cgsusa.org for the national website).
For a tour of the Atrium and for more information, please contact our parish office at 517-626-8493.
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