Each one of us is called to holiness, to become like Jesus. As Catholics we believe that this journey is life-long and culminates in us one day becoming saints. At St. Michael we offer a wide variety of opportunities for adults to grow in knowledge and love of the Lord and community with fellow believers.
For other Adult Faith Formation opportunities happening in our area, visit Catholic Event Finder.
Lectio Divina: This is Latin for “divine reading,” and is one method of prayer and reflection on Scripture that dates back to the early church fathers. It involves four steps: (1) listening to God's word by reading a short passage and listening for a word or phrase that speaks to you; (2) reflecting and pondering the word or phrase - what does it mean or what memories/feelings does it evoke? (3) praying or speaking with God about the word or phrase; (4) resting in God's presence. Learn more here.
Mass readings: The readings for the day can be found here, along with short video reflections for each day.
Sunday reflections: Several organizations routinely provide free reflections on the Sunday readings. Along with the videos from St. Michael Masses, you might want to check one of these out: Word on Fire (Bishop Barron) or U.S. Bishops Conference.
Other links:
St. Francis Retreat Center
Bible in a Year Podcast